OOGA and OOGEEP Co-Host Series of Industry Roundtables

Logan-Hocking Times. The Ohio Oil and Gas Association (OOGA) and the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) recently completed a series of educational roundtables with members of Congress.“Ohio has a storied history when it comes to natural gas and oil,” said George Brown, Executive Director of OOGEEP. “We appreciate the opportunity to share that history with members of Ohio’s congressional delegation, and provide them an update on the ongoing investments being made in Ohio.”Congressman Dave Joyce participated in a roundtable hosted by Reserve Energy in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. During the roundtable Congressman Joyce offered the following comments. “I want to thank OOGA and OOGEEP for hosting this important roundtable. Ohio’s natural gas and oil industry has been leading on clean, safe and reliable energy production for years. In fact, between 2005 and 2015 Ohio’s power sector had the biggest carbon emissions reduction of any state in the country. Unfortunately, this administration’s failed energy policies are making it more difficult for Ohio’s natural gas and oil industry to continue to produce affordable, clean, and reliable energy for Buckeyes. For the sake of every individual, family, and business here in Northeast Ohio that relies on the power provided by natural gas and oil, I will continue to support an all-of-the-above energy strategy to increase access to affordable energy for Ohio consumers.”Industry officials met with Congressman Mike Carey in Logan, Ohio for a roundtable discussion at Kilbarger Construction, Inc. Afterwards Carey stated “From electric generation, to home heating, to the many products necessary for everyday life, oil and gas production is essential for Ohio’s Fifteenth Congressional District, the state of Ohio, and our nation. Unfortunately, many In Washington including the Biden Administration, favor policies that would cripple this industry as well as the jobs and economic benefits it creates. In Congress, I will continue to advocate for common sense energy policy that puts America first and ensures Ohio’s oil and gas industry is not subjected to unnecessary government overreach.”These roundtables and tours were the latest in a series of roundtables OOGEEP and OOGA are partnering on in an effort to ensure all of Ohio’s congressional delegation is familiar with the natural gas and oil industry. OOGEEP and OOGA have previously hosted roundtables with U.S. Senator Rob Portman, Congressman Troy Balderson, Congressman Bob Gibbs, Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, and Congressman Bill Johnson.“Outreach and education about Ohio’s natural gas industry has never been more urgent than it is today”, said Mike Chadsey, Director of Public Relations of OOGA. “We have such an amazing story to tell including sharing that the industry employs over 200,000 and has invested over $93 billion over the last ten years.”Click here to view the original article.


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