Educational Resources for Teachers

STEM & Geology Professional
Development Workshops
and Field Trips

STEM & geology teacher workshops provide our educators with factual knowledge about the natural gas and oil industry, along with the history, science, and geology behind it, to take back to their classrooms.


Scholarships are awarded every year to deserving students pursuing career paths in the natural gas and oil industry. Applications are accepted January 1 through March 1 of each year. Recipients have the opportunity to apply for renewal for an additional three years, totaling four potential years of financial support.

STEM Natural Gas & Oil
Curriculum Labs

Curriculum, labs and activities that cover seven topics from formation of natural gas and oil all the way through the production of products that we use everyday.

Educational Materials & Activities

Check out these downloadable educational and
informational handouts, fact sheets, and activities!

Geology Curriculum & Labs

Curriculum, labs and activities covering the
geologic topics related to natural gas and oil.

Guest Speakers & Classroom Presentations

Teachers, do you want an industry professional to present to your students? You’re in the right place! Each presentation is uniquely designed for the needs of your classroom and can be done in-person or through video conferencing.

Show & Tell

Teachers sharing their experiences of using
The Institute’s curriculums, labs and activities in their classrooms.

Careers in the Natural Gas & Oil Industry & Career Fairs

There are more than 80 careers in the natural gas and oil industry. Check out the careers, descriptions, education requirements, videos and more. Is your school or community hosting a career fair? The Ohio Natural Energy Institute would be happy to present the careers available in the natural gas and oil industry!

Science Fair

Students, are you gearing up for a science fair project? Teachers, are your students searching for ideas? The Institute provides information on ideas and resources for natural gas and oil-related projects, sponsors Ohio Academy of Science’s STEM State Science Fair Award #139, and judges at the state science fair.

Learn how our free programs can help your classroom!

Educators from schools across all of Ohio’s 88 counties have participated in our teacher workshops!